Cooperation and Competition


Wish List






Selfish Genes--examples?





Cell Level Competition--antibiotic resistant bacteria

APUA--Association for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics





Organismal-Level Competition--Darwin's (and Grants') finches


galapagos finches showing beaks and resources        evlutionary tree of galapagos finches

Peter and Rosemary Grant--overview









five simple rules for cooperation in evolution

Nowak, Five Simple Rules for Cooperation--nice simple article

PowerPoint from Nowak--very complete!



Cellular Cooperation---evolution of mitochondria by endosymbiosis



Complexity of Mitochondria--from article on parasitism



Endosymbiotic mitochondria and immune response-interesting article



Organismal level cooperation--eusocial insects



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From The Evolution of Eusociality...others and E.O. Wilson




Complex Interactions involve competition and cooperation


Nature Article--"Bacterial Charity Leads to Population-wide Resistance"



From Ambrust Lab





levels of hierarcy in biology and role of cooperation in transitions

From your text analyzing how major evolutionary transitions--transitions in level--involve previous replicators who might have been more prone to compete come together to cooperate within the new level.







Evolution Competition Cooperation Games



online evolution prisoners' dilemma game

Best and easy online prisoner's dilemma game--hours of fun--try all the strategies!



avide ed digital evolution game

Avida-Ed--digital evolution








Web Resources


Very interesting blog post from George Mobus, U. Washington, on cooperation and competition...applies all the way to evolution of human societies


Nowak, Five Simple Rules for Cooperation--nice simple article


Nature Knowledge Project---good article on cooperation and evolution of complex animal societies


Best and easy online prisoner's dilemma game--hours of fun--try all the strategies!


Joseph Tobias and Peter Grant--even Darwin Finch folks question importance of competition (article from Wired)

Sustainable Fisheries Game--too simple?



 Richard Lenski long-term experimental E. coli evolution (50,000 generations, 25 years)


Intelligence from simple physics--digital or biological


Larry M Frolich, Ph.D.     Miami Dade College     Wolfson Campus      Natural Sciences      Miami, FL  33132    Office 1504     (305) 237-7589    e-mail  Creative Commons License