Anatomy and Physiology
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes:
Monday: Review compendium notebooks for last names A-L
Wednesday: Review compendium notebooks for last names M-Z
Friday: Exam
Tuesday/Thursday morning classes
Tuesday: Review compendium notebooks
Thursday: Exam.
Tuesday evening class
Bring compendium to exam (if I didn't see it the previous week). Exam will begin right at class starting time.
ALL CLASSES: Please be on time. The exam will begin right at the start of class. Please turn in your exam before you leave the classroom. You cannot return and continue working on the exam. If you present a compendium notebook and are awarded points, please bring your Points Award sheet to the exam and turn it in with your exam.
SCANTRONS--don't forget to bring one! (you'll need three for the semester...27 cents each in the bookstore)
Larry M Frolich, Ph.D. ∞ Miami Dade College ∞ Wolfson Campus ∞ Natural Sciences ∞ Miami, FL 33132 ∞ Office 1504 ∞ (305) 237-7589 ∞ e-mail