These are electromyograph (EMG) from a biceps muscle recordings taken during A and P I lab.  Remember that electrodes are placed along the muscle and they sense the voltage change as the muscle cell membranes depolarizes with an action potential.  The voltage difference (the y-axis or up and down trace) show the sum of all of the muscle cells whose membranes are depolarizing.  The x-axis (or moving across the screen) is just time passing.  The small      voltage change was bending the elbow with no weight.  The large voltage change   was lifting a heavy book. 




Larry M Frolich, Ph.D.    Miami Dade College  ∞   Wolfson Campus   ∞   Natural Sciences   ∞   Miami, FL  33132  ∞  Office 1504   ∞  (305) 237-7589  ∞  e-mail   Creative Commons License